The Writing, Unforsaken

The Writing, Unforsaken

Tonight dawns an awakening of scriptures buried cruelly
And the rituals embraced bring solitud to all the skies
The stories now forgotten hide the answers to tomorrow
And blind are we that seek the kiss from mitigated lies

We must invoke the wisdom buried deep within our sorrow
And wield the words that glisten on the pedal of the rose
We hasten all the passion of the shadows in the moonlight
And glisten with the memories our sins begin to pose

It seems that words of poetry are often unforgiving
And so they seem to break the minds of lesser winded foes
Still melodies and rhapsodies do often leave desire
Of something intellectual that penetrates our souls

At times caresses seem to gain a potent desolation
It’s origin a dream from lovers burneded by disguise
When time is lost to passion logic bleeds into the meadow
And love, the word we desecrate, invites our sole demise

Now come the days where sunlight burns intentions of the wicked
The malice in the sheets is fated now to end in chance
Our lust is but a drop within a chalice of surrender
It seems too late to swoon the moon with nothing but a dance

Whispers of control

there are many times in which people in this world will claim to have control. others in the same world will admit to not having control. but really the questions begging to be asked here is just what is control?

control in reality is nothing that we can really have any power with and yet at the same time we have all the power in the world because of control. depending on your own ethical standards control can be what the self does to himself and to the environment he is encased in.

simply put we can control the fact of what we put in our bodies and how healthy they can be, yet our bodies genome and health status because of genetics and evolution. we can control its exercise factors and muscle building factors and yet Mother Nature could make a pathogen not yet studied which could end the life of the healthiest person in the world die.

so in essence to the world, we as human beings only have co ownership on the concept of control. we do not share the benefit of control because we simply do not have that much power on this planet. nothing we can do can change the course of what the universe has planned for us.


food for thought